Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Rainy Side Note

Rain has always been a good omen for our family ever since it rained on our wedding day. And when I say "rain" I mean torrential downpour. There was talk about having the ceremony on an ark. Since then, if there is something big going on and it rains, it seems to mean that everything will work out. This has played out again and again with job interviews, tests and health issues. It would be a bit freaky if it wasn't so darn cool.

Last night's orientation seemed a bit daunting after I looked at the actual schedule. There will be a lot of 12 hour days only to be followed by studying and the writing of papers. My program will be one year long, followed by 2 additional classes to complete my Masters. Basically, it will be quick and very much not painless.

However, as I was driving home last night it was pouring. And it never pours in AZ. And not only did it pour rain, but it poured for most of the night. And I realized that has hokey as it sounds, I was comforted. It will be ok.

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