Thursday, March 19, 2009

Erin's Visit

We had a great time when our friend Erin made the trek from Boston to come visit.  She got out of the cold and I got a friend that helps take care of the kids like they are her own. 
We met Erin because she looks like Shawn's sister, Stacey. And Shawn walked up to her in law school one day and told her so. We have been friends ever since.  She was a huge help to us while Shawn was in school. AJ was about Charlie's age at the time, and she babysat AJ regularly. AJ thought the sun rose and set with her. Some things never change.

The day after she got here, we went out to dinner with Shawn's extended family to celebrate his Grandma's birthday. During the meal, Grandpa turned to Erin and asked her if anyone had ever told her she looked like Stacey.


We also had a few cookouts with friends. Erin told us she hadn't been to a cookout since law school. Since we dragged her to three of them this past week, she should be good for a while. 

The last cookout we went to was for AJ's basketball team. It was a potluck where the kids got awards, the coach gave a little speech, etc.  The awards were not part of the program. So the parents had the option of buying their kid a trophy or dog tags at the end of the season. Another mom and I were talking and she wondered if the kids would even care if they got dog tags or a trophy. I told her *my* kid would care. He would do just about anything for a trophy. One could say he is easily bought. But, I prefer to say he is easily motivated. 


  1. Oh yes, my kids would do anything for the trophy too. When we changed Jess's dance studio she was DEVASTATED to find out they don't give out trophies until you have been there 5 years, rather than every year as her previous place. She desperately wanted to quit and go back to the other place based solely on trophy recognition. While it would kill be to shell out $$ for a cheap little trophy I know I would.

  2. I just want to point out that I read this entry and look at the pictures quite frequently, reliving every moment of my trip. I am looking into the future and hoping to come back out sooner rather than later. I miss you all!
