Thursday, February 11, 2010

Walking Home, Charlie Style

Here is the great thing about having kids. By watching them, you start remembering what it was like to see the world through such new, unfettered eyes.

Charlie and I walk home from his school most days. I don't take the stroller or car unless we are in a true hurry to get home. It is WAY too much fun to watch him, watching the world and making his little two year old observations.

We live by an Air Force base. So that means there are usually 2-3 jets that fly by overhead during our walk. This is a good thing. Because when else would Charlie get the opportunity to point to the sky and scream: "JETS" ?

And then he has to jump over the cracks in the sidewalk, walk up and down the wheelchair ramp, walk around each tree, peek through the trellis in the arbor, sit on the park bench and my personal favorite- the ever dramatic "fake fall". Yep, the kid is only two and he is already doing stunt falls in the middle of the sidewalk. He also likes to get in front of me, look back, smile, and yell "Hurry!" while he sprints away from me.

I think he likes our walk homes just as much as I do. In fact he gets down right out of sorts if I show up with the car.

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