Friday, February 19, 2010

McTeacher Night

We are lucky enough to have a family that owns a few McDonald's in our school community. Last night was McTeacher Night. For those of you who do not have elementary school children, it is a fundraiser that McDonald's run. The teachers from the school go and work at the McDonald's along with the trained professionals. Part of the proceeds go to the school. There are also tip jars so you can "tip" your favorite teacher. And they also donate cookies that we sell for a dollar. We made over a $1000 just from tips and cookie sales last night. We are still waiting for the sales totals. But we have broken records every year. We also have an opportunity to win an extra $1000 if our McDonald's has the best sales in our area during the McTeacher night.

It was really fun. And a ton of freaking work. I was very impressed with the restaurant staff. They knew what they were doing, they did their jobs well, and they had a whole lot of patience when it came to working with a bunch of meddling teachers.

Seriously, their patience was extraordinary. The line was out the door, and we were all behind the counter "helping". I would have lost it at about the 7 minute mark. But the staff was friendly and kept smiling the whole time.

And hey, and if I get to have a cheeseburger and fries with the knowledge I am helping the school, then so be it. I am nothing if not a giver. (Please refer to the pizza fundraiser post.)

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