Charlie walked for the first time today. I was doing dishes and when I looked over at him, he got up and took 4 tentative wobbly little steps.
Anyone who knows me knows I am not the most sentimental person. But I have to say that after the pride I felt for my little one, a part of me got sad that that milestone is no longer in the future. I quickly got over it.
With AJ, I never understood the parents that got all sappy as their kids got more independent. I really didn't. Wasn't that our job? I was high-fiving myself as I got to check off each mile stone off the list. Drink from a sippy cup- check. Potty trained- check check. Go to school- check check check. Each time our children navigate the world on their own, make the right choice, or remember to say "Thank you", we have succeeded.
Frankly, taking care of babies and toddlers is a royal pain in the butt. They are needy and squirmy. And they have copious amounts of bodily fluid- most of which ends up on you right before you walk out the door to an important meeting.
Of course there are positives; their fuzzy little heads and their toothless grins. They way they put their head on your shoulder when they are tired. The way they smell AFTER a bath. And you can't forget the footy pajamas. There is truly nothing cuter than a fuzzy-headed toothless baby in footy pajamas.
I have to say though, that there are not enough footy pajamas in the would that would make me take on any more diapers, tantrums or unreasonableness a day longer than I had to.
We all want our kids to be productive members of society. In an ideal world our kids would do honorable work, be attentive and loving parents, have healthy relationships with their spouses and leave the world a better place when they go. True, at times we will miss the days when we were the center of their universe. But isn't it great that their dreams and accomplishments will be so much bigger than us?
And all those dreams start with that first wobbly step.