Friday, January 20, 2012

Charlie Complains To The Warden

The other day I made the mistake of taking Charlie to the grocery store, yet again. He asked if he could get a donut. I said he could, if he was good the entire trip. Things were going well. We made it to the actual donut counter without incident. Then, when we were checking out, he went into a full toddler tantrum flop, right in the middle of the store floor. I was paying and AJ was left to physically carry him out of the way of other shoppers.

Of course I was in the process of paying for the donut. We leave and I tell the still screaming Charlie to come over to the trash can. I then drop the donut in the trash can outside the store. As you can imagine, this did not improve his mood any.

Today, his note from school says:" While Charlie was painting the letter "F" today, he said he wanted to draw a picture for his mommy and daddy. "

Coincidence? I think not.

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