Monday, January 18, 2010

The New House (Outside)

The new house is a much better fit for us. I love the stone facing. I love the shade on our street. I love that there is a large green area out the front window. It is a fantastic location and so much better suited to our family's lifestyle.

And this is the park down the street. We can see it from our front yard. The boys (and their friends) have already spent many hours there.

We especially love our new neighborhood. And we love being able to walk everywhere. I literally only use the car once a week for the big grocery/Target run. Other than that, we walk or take the golf cart everywhere.

Life is good.


  1. so happy for you! the house looks beautiful. and- isnt' Charlie young for training? maybe it is just that I was very lazy training my second kid.

  2. We are by no means pushing it. But, he has been telling us when his diaper is dirty for the past month or so. He doesn't do it every time, but he is starting to make the connection. So we just got the little potty chair, so he gets use to having it around etc. I doubt he will be doing much of anything on it for months. But he sees his friends getting potty trained at daycare, so I figured having the stuff both places couldn't hurt.

  3. that is so true. I know quite a few kids that got trained at daycare with very little work from the parents. wish I had sent my kids to daycare.
