Saturday, March 24, 2012

Meanwhile Over At The Park. . .

Charlie had things to slide down, climb up and ride on. He has a schedule to keep, you know.

Parents V Kids

The parents thought is would be funny if they told AJ's team that they had a game last weekend with a recreation league from a nearby town. The kids were told the name of the team was the Codgers. The kids had no idea what this word meant, and assumed they were playing (God forbid) a girls' team. They didn't really figure it out until the parents started putting on their cleats.

I took 56 pictures of the event. I have pulled out 4 to show here. You're welcome. My favorite picture is the first one, where the kids are warming up and checking out the competition.

Codger may mean elderly man, but that day, it meant W I N N E R.

Everyone had a great time and it was decided during the pizza after party, that this game should become an annual tradition.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Don't Judge a Restaurant By Its Door Handles

I took the boys to Chili's today for dinner. AJ had promised Charlie we were going somewhere special. We were walking in the door when Charlie spied the chili peppers on the door handle. He looks at me in exasperation and says; " But I don't like pickles!!!!!"

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Instead of writing my paper that has been giving me anxiety attacks for the past two weeks, I decided that a much better use of my time would be to go out to the back yard and take pictures.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Petite Party Studio

A good friend, from my interior design school days, just opened up a storefront in Gilbert AZ. They seriously have the cutest stuff ever. Rebecca and her business partner, Shannon, started their business by making party print-ables on Etsy. Their business was a huge success. Did I mention they have the cutest stuff?

Here is their website if you want to take a look.

Recently Rebecca became aware of a storefront in downtown Gilbert that was for lease. She and her partner had been wanting to get a brick and mortar business, and jumped at the chance. Their opening night was tonight. I wasn't able to go to the grand opening, but I was on that side of town today. So my friend Wendi and I stopped by to say hi and offer her our moral support. I know it sounds cheesy, but I am so proud of her. Rebecca has endless energy, and the best attitude of anyone I have ever met. And, she is so very, very talented. She has that special something that allows her to make everything look, well- just better. She puts things together in ways you may not have ever thought of.

Here are some pictures of their store. They were furiously getting ready for the opening night, so I couldn't get too many pictures. But I am so glad they allowed me to interrupt them for a bit. This is going to be historic. Count on it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Shawn's New Desk

This is Shawn's new desk. It is hard to tell from the picture, but the desk elevates so that Shawn can work standing up. It has done wonders for his back, and he chooses to work standing up most days.

So much for getting a nice, conservative, classy nail polish color.

I Hope Charlie Gets Some Confidence Soon

‎(Me to Charlie) Have a good day at school, honey.
Charlie: I'm not honey! Honey is for mommies!
Me: Ok, then. What are you?
Charlie: Awesome!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break!!!!

The kids and I went to the park last night. Charlie had gotten a balloon at Great Grandma's birthday celebration that he wanted to play with. I thought I would get some cute pictures of him playing with it. That did not happen. But, Charlie and AJ did get a little golf in with their buddy.

I got the tricycle that Charlie is riding when he was about 2 1/2. It was the tiniest bike I had ever seen. I brought it home and Charlie could not even reach the pedals. He has since grown to love it and now zooms all over the neighborhood.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Nice Way To End a Day

For about the millionth time in my life, I wished that my glasses had a built in camera in them. When I was driving home, the moon was the most beautiful color, and the sky was still dusk. But by the time I got my camera and got back outside the amazing light was gone. It would be so much easier if I could just push a button on my glasses and take a picture.

Monday, March 5, 2012