Dad was in town for business so we met him at a the local favorite pizza place, Oregano's. (I'm not sure if you can read the staff's t-shirt, but it says: "Make Marinara Legal".) We got there at 5, and we were told there was a 30 minute wait. But I was smart enough to say we would take first available, even though that meant eating outside in the 110 degree heat. They had the misters and fans going, so it was pretty comfortable. We got seated in about 5 minutes.
Dad and I will meet again for dinner tonight after my class ends at 7pm. I am taking him to my new favorite place, Fez.
The vet called today and said that Zac is in the early stages of kidney disease and also most likely has hypothyroidism. We have a treatment plan which involves a new type of food and medication. If he responds well to treatment, she said he has a few more years in him.
On a side note, I don't think I have had such a through medical conversation with my own doctors. I was on the phone with her for 1/2 an hour going over all the intricacies of it all. I was very impressed.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
We had to take Zac to the vet today because he seems so sick. He is 17 years old. He has lost a lot of weight and just seems to be generally not feeling well. He had blood and urine drawn and is getting the "senior blood panel" done. We should know more tomorrow, but I have a feeling it will not be good news.
Shawn use to play trumpet. And being the good dad that he is, he got AJ started on the basics. AJ seems to really like it so far and was even able to play a few notes by the end.
I was working in the kitchen this morning and saw this bird. The picture is not great, but I have never seen another bird like it since we have lived here. (So basically, I am claiming that this is Arizona's version of the Yetti.) Anyway- it has a bright yellow breast, greenish feathers and a really long tail. It looked almost like a parrot. I am wondering if someone's pet has escaped.
Now that AJ is in middle school, one of the classes he can take is band. He has decided to play the trumpet. I have decided to drink more and be thankful that he did not choose the violin. I am also wishing we had room for a piano. Because even at its worst, piano doesn't sound that bad.
We went to the music store on Saturday to rent his instrument. He saw 3 of his classmates while he was there.
Shawn use to play the trumpet himself, so he showed the boys the special thing you have to do with your lips when you blow into the mouth piece. AJ didn't do too badly. But the funniest was when Charlie tried. He blew into the trumpet and made it sound like he had been playing the trumpet for years. He is a pretty good mimic, so I wasn't that surprised.
I just realized I never posted pictures from AJ's computer camp at ASU this summer. He went to a week long overnight camp where he got to create his own computer game. He stayed in a dorm on campus and even had a horrible roommate! It was just like he was actually at college.
This picture is of Shawn playing the game AJ created.
We are a HUGE Thomas the Tank Engine family. Two Christmases ago, a neighbor was moving and had 2 bins full of Thomas stuff she was selling. We got most pieces for a dollar each. For those of you who don't know, that is a huge savings. And the great thing about what we bought, was that the collection was about 10-15 years old. So, they had some trains in there that we had never seen.
Charlie plays with his trains a few times a week. And I have been looking for a train named "Charlie" since he became obsessed with them. Honestly, I thought it would be a lot easier. Thomas the Tank Engine is a British series and you can't get more British than the name Charlie. However, I didn't come across one until we were at Barnes and Noble the other day. I was VERY excited. If we ever give these trains away, I am sure we will keep this one. And maybe the Thomas one. And maybe the Gordon one. Who are we kidding? We are never getting rid of these trains. I like playing with them too much.
Our good friends, Brittney, Brandon, Maddy and Lily, recently moved to Ohio. AJ and Maddy are the best of friends and it was hard for AJ when she left. As luck would have it, our family reunion was this summer, and also in Ohio. We decided that we would send AJ a few days early to visit with Maddy and family, and then he could meet up with my parents for the reunion. The biggest news was that it was AJ's first solo flight.
From all accounts, the visit went well. I don't have much to say about it since I wasn't there, but here are some pictures. Brittney was nice enough to take some portraits of AJ while he was there.
Thanks again to the Millers for having him. He had a great time!