Friday, April 17, 2009

The Waiting Game

Charlie has been to the doctor a lot lately. Nothing too serious, but we have been once a week for about the last month and we have more appointments coming up. 

I think the most challenging thing about going to the doctor is the waiting to be seen. Today we arrived 15 minutes early and were taken to the exam room right at our actual appointment time. I had high hopes. But the patient ahead of us went over his appointment time and Charlie and I were stuck in the exam room for about 25 minutes before the doctor got there.  

I expect to wait when I go to the doctors. And I do not begrudge other patients any extra time they need.  Really, I don't. But have you ever tried to keep a curious toddler occupied and safe in a room full of medical equipment and biohazard bins? It is exhausting and basically boils down to a series of mini heart attacks as you try to keep them from pulling the IV stand over, pounding on the ultrasound machine or licking the trash bin. 

And it wasn't like I didn't come prepared. We played blocks, cars, read books, drank juice and ate snacks.  And yes, I did strap him in his stroller when he didn't listen to my "NO! Don't touch that!"s But it was still nerve-racking. And that was just one little doctor's office.

Next month Charlie will be getting tubes in his ears at the actual hospital. I am really not that nervous about the procedure. But I break out into a sweat just thinking about the trouble he could get into in an entire building full of cords, medical equipment, biohazard bins and IV stands. I may need to bring my flask. 

Or maybe I will just hook myself up to my own special "IV". Do you think the guy a the liquor store could write me an Rx?

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