Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Formal Apology to the Car Gods

It has been an interesting month with regards to my car.

I had to get my windshield replaced. In classic "cable guy" fashion, the technician, after promising to show up between the hours of 1 and 5 pm, never did. It wouldn't have been so bad, but Shawn was out of town and Charlie was sick. So I was down one car and up one cranky baby. And stuck at home. Fun times. After rescheduling, it was finally replaced.

The other day, after picking Charlie up from daycare, I realized I had very little gas. But I knew I had enough to go home and get it the next day. And because Charlie and I were both tired, I went with that plan. The next morning, Shawn decides to take my car to go get us coffee. I forget completely about the gas tank. He comes home, parks the car and then realizes I have 3 miles worth of gas left in my tank. So he goes back out to fill it up. He made it to the gas station. Barely. 

Today I went out with two of my good friends to celebrate my friend Stacy's birthday. We had a really fun lunch and great food. I said goodbye to my friends, walked out to the car and could not find my keys. The car was locked, so I knew I had had the keys when I walked into the restaurant. I looked under the car, around the car, in the bushes next to the car. I went inside and looked on our table, under our table and around our table. I checked the bathroom, the front desk and left my business card with the manager. No keys. It was just plain weird. I called Shawn to come bring me another set of keys. While I waited I called Stacy (who had already gone home) to chat. She put her hand in **her** purse and pulled out my keys. Mystery solved.

So, obviously, my luck with cars has run out. And I am guessing that it is because I have offended the Car Gods with my earlier post about the guy with the fake owl on top of his car.  He was obviously some type of prophet. 

So, here it goes:

Dear Car Gods- Please forgive me for my offensive comments about Car Guys. 

I now know how fundamental they are to the circle of life.

 I will never take their name in vain again.

 I promise to wash my car more than 3 times a year. 

 I will use the squeegee on more than just the glass in front of the driver's seat.

 And I will feed her the good, expensive gas -every time.

I probably should have come up with this apology before my picture was snapped by the speed camera last night.

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