Monday, March 22, 2010

The Shower

The shower went really well. It was a nice way to spend an afternoon. Here are some highlights:

This is the family of honor. See the little guy in the purple cast about to fall into the fire pit? That is their first born. Despite the photographic evidence to the contrary, they are actually fantastic parents. And their little girl will be very lucky and well loved.

Isn't this backyard beautiful? I have had the pleasure of having many a cook out here. Love it.

Sorry about the smudge on the camera lens. But these were two of the other hostesses of the shower. See the green drink? It is made with kiwi, lemonade and sugar. Oh. My. God. Delicious. Just don't have one on a first date- the kiwi seeds can get stuck in your teeth. But if you are married like me, and aren't trying to impress anyone, then go for it. So worth it.

It is a fun group to hang out with. There are a ton of kids, so they keep each other pretty entertained.

This is Charlie and playing dominoes with his friend. They don't know it yet, but they may be related to each other one day. Her big sister is AJ's best friend and they already bicker and banter like they have been married for years.

This is Charlie and his cupcake. Or, as he likes to call it, his "cake cake". A few days before the shower, I bought one of those 3 tiered cupcake stands. The box had pictures of all the yummy treats you could display on the stand. Boy was Charlie mad when he realized that none of those yummy treats were actually inside the box. And then I made the cupcakes and they were just sitting there on the counter waiting to be taken to the shower. The torture. The injustice. So when he finally got one, he took it to the far corner of the garden to eat it. He wasn't taking any chances of someone stealing it.

These are the balloons that got accidentally released. Of course they landed in the corner of the ceiling where no one would be able to reach them. Ever.

Here is some of the food. It was all so yummy. It was really hard to stop eating. Really really hard.

We had a great time. But I have to say the funniest part was the dad-to-be's face when the expectant mom just kept pulling more and more pink baby girl clothes out of the gift bags and boxes. He looked a little shell shocked. Just wait until he meets her.

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