Thursday, March 18, 2010

Charlie the Defender

We have been asked in the past, why we chose the name Charlie. It is not really a family name. And truth be told we are not crazy about the actual name Charles. But we did give him the full name of Charles just in case he wanted to write a book, or win the Nobel Prize or something. I think Charles would look better written in the history books.

We chose the name Charlie because Shawn and I watch a lot of movies. And Charlie is usually the name of the good guy. One of our favorite movies is The Italian Job with Mark Walhberg. His character, Charlie, is a leader, loyal to his friends, thinks well on his feet and is the all around "good guy" despite being a thief of epic proportions. He does the name proud.

Yesterday was St Patrick's day. AJ was showing me what would happen if I did not wear green. He pinched me. Hard. I yelled that it hurt and to knock it off. Charlie was standing next to me at the time. His first reaction was to look at me and ask: " You ok?" When I said I was, he turned to his big brother and with all the force his two year-old body could muster, pointed his finger at him and gave AJ a piece of his mind. It was mostly in "toddler" so I didn't get it all. But I got the gist. And so did AJ. Charlie was mad that someone had hurt someone else and he wasn't having it. (This is not the first time he had taken a stand. He has been known to be the mediator between two friends at school.)

I have to say that despite the fact that it was, bar none, the funniest thing I had seen in a long time, I was very proud. And touched. And I was glad we had named him Charlie.

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