Tuesday, June 2, 2009


My friend Bretta and I were lamenting over the fact that it is the 11th day of summer vacation and we have heard "I'm bored" 603 times already. Yeah, I counted. 

So, the subject of chores came up. She was telling me that she wrote down a bunch of chores on little wooden coins, threw them in a bowl and the kids had to pick some each day. And because she is not Momny Dearest, she even gave them a token for a "Free Day". 

AJ has a few chores he does every day. And he is expected to do any odd jobs I ask him to, as they come up. But, to mix it up a bit, I stole Bretta's idea and wrote down 6 jobs on pieces of craft wood I had laying around (and one free day). Yeah! Chore cards!

So I mix them up and fan them out. Shawn, after making fun of me for misspelling vacuum, lends his full support. We anxiously await AJ's pick. Think of all the responsibility he will learn! This will teach him what being in a family means! We are giddy with excitement and our kick-butt parenting. 

He picks a card and flips it over. "Free Day". 


  1. So - does this mean that the Free Day card is gone for the rest of the week? I hope so. That will teach him not to hope (and ultimately get) the Free Day so early in the week. :)

  2. Yup. There are 7 cards. So, once he picks one, it goes away until next week.

  3. can't wait to hear about day two!
