Sunday, February 8, 2009


AJ had a playdate the other day with his friend Lauren. She is a soft spoken, polite child who is always a pleasure to have around. They spent about an hour throwing the ball back and forth trying to get it stuck over the driveway. They would then spend about 10 minutes trying to get the ball unstuck by throwing their shoes up at it. 

Charlie was in sort of a mood, so I had taken him outside to play too. The kids were really good with him and shared their balls, etc. But after awhile of Charlie getting in the way, Lauren came up with a creative idea to keep him contained. She merely drew a circle on the driveway with chalk and placed him inside. 

It actually seemed to work for a few minutes. But the funniest part of the whole exchange was when Lauren bent down to Charlie and said: "Just so we understand each other" and started drawing spirals around the edge of the circle. I asked her, "What is that?" She said, "Barbwire"

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